We find & compare your exclusive discounts in one free app
We will do the searching. You will do the saving.
There is something for everyone, whatever your lifestyle is

Food & Drink
Explore thousands of local restaurants with exclusive discounts to suit your taste

Never pay more than you should with 400+ famous retail brands
Get professionals to add a little notch to your daily service needs for less than you normally would have to spend elsewhere

We got all your entertainments covered with 100+ Entertainment deals

Home & Garden
Decorate your space as you’ve always wanted with products from numerous furniture & décor stores

Check out newest technology products for the whole family from many electronic stores and get them for less

Wide selection of relaxing wellness deals you don't want to miss!

Beauty & Spa
Rejuvenate your skin with limitless deals on beauty & spa services and products
Travel, relax in style and spend less

Experience comfortable stays at one of the many hotels that provide exclusive offers & discounts near you
Drive fancy wheels without creating a hole in your wallet by browsing your nearby car outlets with deals
Put on your sandals and spend a day on the beach with many nearby getaways
Explore more
With hundreds of local nearby places offering exclusive deals, explore your city like a tourist
What is PEODY?
PEODY is a platform that connects exclusive offers and discounts in one place – your best buddy when it comes to saving money, time and effort.
It's free, easy to use and keeps your wallet alive.
What do you get with PEODY?
Saved money. A lot of it. Free account forever. Seriously. Thousands of exclusive offers and discounts are just a touch away. You are able to see users’ ratings of places before visiting. If a particular offer or discount is available at multiple branches, PEODY app will sort those closest to your location, wherever you are.
How do you use it?
It's simple, download the free "PEODY" app and sign-up. A list of cards will be presented to you, find your cards from the list and select them. Based on your selection and location, the app will automatically fetch all nearby places with exclusive offers and discounts available for your selected cards. Browse and present the applicable card mentioned to avail the deal.
You’ll know so much
more about your
discounts. At a glance.
PEODY automatically filters nearby places with your exclusive discounts
Remember going all the way to the other side of the city to get your discounted dining deal?
That's past tense – PEODY offers and discounts are just around the corner. The app automatically sorts nearby places with exclusive offers and discounts based on your selected cards and location.

No fees.
Not even the
hidden ones.
We want to make it easier to enjoy your offers and discounts, not pay to find them. Therefore PEODY doesn’t have any fees. No annual or monthly subscriptions, no coupons to purchase. No fees. Really!